Multimedia Exhibitions CONTRAST (EMC) on the CONTRAST Platform


Multimedia Exhibitions CONTRAST (EMC) on the CONTRAST Platform


The CONTRAST project has established itself as an innovative platform for contemporary photography, connecting art, architecture and design. Recently, a version of the CONTRAST Multimedia Exhibition (EMC) operator was created with differentiated video content from the Contrast Collective Exhibition menu, with a view to extending the project's reach by allowing multimedia publication of diverse content. The aim is to continue the development and potential of this operator, which has decisive potential for disseminating the project as a whole and promoting the work of young students, researchers and emerging artists.

The version of the CONTRAST Multimedia Exhibitions (EMC) operator has emerged as a central initiative in the project's dissemination programme, integrating the multidisciplinary network of artistic activities and expanding its presence in different contexts. The EMC has the potential to act as a dynamic support for national and international seminars and exhibitions, promoting digital accessibility and communication through online video projection. This format creates an inclusive virtual space, allowing exhibitions to be viewed in real time, creating synergies with the multimedia potential of the Research Catalogue (RC) platform.

Impact and Dissemination

The EMC operator version can play a strategic role in expanding CONTRAST's visibility, fostering collaborations with institutions such as the Department of Architecture at the Lusófona University of Porto and the University of South Wales, among many others, creating synergies with the Research Catalogue (RC) platform. The implementation of the EMC operator version was accompanied by a pilot project with students from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), who explored the potential of the RC platform to enrich creative and research processes.

Synergies and Strategies

The EMC version of the operation has the potential to complement activities such as round tables, conferences and workshops, allowing the video exhibition of the various contents at the venues of the activities, creating a virtuous cycle in which each component reinforces the project as a whole. The use of digital media, such as online video and audio, maximises the impact of physical exhibitions and offers new insights into artistic production.

Recognition and Internationalisation

Over the last four years, CONTRAST has achieved national and international recognition, taking part in events such as the International Conference Images of the Imagined Real (ESMAD/IPP) and the scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image conferences (FAUP). Initiatives such as the exhibition at the Portuguese Photography Centre and the launch of the publication at Casa Comum - Rectory of the University of Porto show the project's impact.

With strategic partnerships, such as the collaboration between SCOPIO and CONTRAST, the project strengthens its role as a catalyst for ideas in the world of photography, promoting an interdisciplinary dialogue between academia and society.

Support for Open Classes, Seminars, and Exhibitions

The version of the EMC operative makes it possible to connect different strands of the CONTRAST project, acting as a point of convergence for artistic, pedagogical and investigative content. It also contributes to the formation of a living archive on the CONTRAST platform, documenting artistic and photographic practices in a continuous and innovative way.

The integration with RC makes it possible to create an experimental space for the dissemination of content, promoting a dynamic and sustainable approach to artistic research and practice.

The version of the EMC operation and its future development will allow it to go beyond the exhibition of works, functioning as a transversal support for various pedagogical and artistic initiatives, such as:

  • Open Classes: EMC is used to present and discuss photographic projects, fostering debates between academia and the broader public. Online video projection enhances the visual and multimodal dimensions of artistic research.

  • Seminars and Roundtables: It facilitates the sharing of multimedia content that enriches discussions and illustrates research practices, ensuring accessibility for diverse audiences.

  • Exhibitions in Various Locations: Partner institutions use the EMC to broaden the visibility of works, combining the in-person experience with the global reach of the digital environment.

Strategic Integration and Multidimensional Potential

The EMC connects various aspects of the CONTRAST project, acting as a convergence point for artistic, pedagogical, and research content. Furthermore, it contributes to the formation of a living archive on the CONTRAST platform, documenting artistic and photographic practices continuously and innovatively.

The integration with the RC enables the creation of an experimental space for content dissemination, promoting a dynamic and sustainable approach to artistic research and practice.


The project was selected for funding in the DGARTES creation and publishing project support competition, through the Cityscopio Cultural Association, with joint coordination between ESMAD-uniMAD and FBAUP - i2ADS, and led by FAUP.


Panel and Round-table Moderator #04 | Documentary artistic publications about architecture - Olívia Marques da Silva


Panel and RouNd-table Moderator
#04 |
Documentary artistic publications about architecture - Olívia Marques da Silva

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #04| Chair: Olívia Marques da Silva

10h20 - 10h50 | Invited speaker - Nuno Grande
Presentation of the book 'Another Approach on the Works of Álvaro Siza'

10h50 - 11h20 | Moderator - Olívia Marques da Silva
Presentation of the scopionewspaper collection 'The Idea of Álvaro Siza'

11h20 - 11h30 | Interval

11h30 - 13h30 | Chair / moderator - Olívia Marques da Silva
Opening the discussion focused on documentary artistic publications about architecture
Invited speakers
- Paulo Catrica
- Rita Castro Neves

16h45 - 17h15 | Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Panel and Round-tables Moderators #03 | Processes | João Leal - Rikke Munck


Panel and RouNd-table Moderators

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #03| Chair: João Leal, Rikke Munck Petersen
14h45 - 15h00 | Presentation 9: Ciro Miguel
Ektachrome Color: White buildings, Red Dust

15h15 - 15h30 | Presentation 10: Corné Strootman
Filmmaking as a tool for landscape architecture: Analysing and mediating the spatial impact of agricultural techniques

15h30 - 16h00 | Interval

16h15 - 16h30 | Presentation 11: Millicent Gunner  [Visual Essays]
Walking the Table : Caring-with landscape

16h30 - 16h45 | Presentation 12: Tonia Carless [Visual Essays]
Unsettling in Norrlands

16h45 - 17h15 | Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Panel and Round-table Moderators #02 | Places | Igea Troiani - Mark Durden


Panel and RouNd-table Moderators
#02 | PLACES |
Igea Troiani - Mark Durden

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #02 | Chair: Igea Troiani, Mark Durden
12h15 - 12h30 | Presentation 5: Richard Williams
São Paulo's Minhocão on Film

12h30 - 12h45 | Presentation 6: Sotiria Alexiadou / Vassilis Colonas
Unclaiming the natural waterfront landscape: Thessaloniki's manmade east waterfront

12h45 - 13h00 Presentation 7: Lars Rolfsted Mortensen  [Visual Essays]
The Infrastructural Sublime Marvel, apprehension, and environmental awareness in the encounter of dams

13h00- 14h00 | Lunch Break

14h00 - 14h15 | Presentation 8: Joao Gadelho Novais Tavares
Foz Velha. The creation of an image of permanencies and transformations

14h15 - 14h45 Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Panel and Roudtables Moderators #1 | Types | Hugh Campbell - Teresa Ferreira


Panel and RouNd-table Moderators
#01 | Types | Hugh Campbell - Teresa Ferreira

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #01 | Chair: Hugh Campbell, Teresa Ferreira

10h00 - 10h15 | Presentation 1 | Birgit Schilke Hammer/Leonie Bunte
Changing the Image: Photographic Investigations on the Anonymous Modern, West Germany 1970-1989

10h15 - 10h30 | Presentation 2: Giulio Galasso / Natalia Voroshilova (Visual Essays)
Oases in the grid: The gardens of postwar Milanese middle-class housing

10h30 - 11h00 | Interval

11h00 - 11h15 | Presentation 3: Jasna Galjer
Ways of seeing architecture and landscape in the voids of presence. The case of a health resort on the Adriatic coast of Croatia

11h15 - 11h30 | Presentation 4: Julia Maria Bezerra de Mello
Other Interpretations on Tower H

11h30 - 12h00 | Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



CHAMADA ABERTA | Landscapes of Care. Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices


The Campo di Marte, La Giudecca, Venice, 2018. IACP (Istituto Autonomo Case Popolari, 1983). Courtesy: Jorge Marum



Landscapes of Care. Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Editores: Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Editores Convidados: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)
Open Call Video Presentation

A Revista Sophia está atualmente a aceitar o 1º manuscrito / artigo completo para o seu terceiro ciclo temático "Landscapes of Care" centrado na produção de habitação de promoção pública “Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices”.

Prazo de entrega do 1º manuscrito: 31 de março de 2024
Prazo para o 2º manuscrito: 1 de setembro de 2024

Prazo para apresentação na conferência: 10 de setembro de 2024
Conferência Internacional (dtbc): 15 e 16 de setembro de 2024

Prazo para o 3º Manuscrito (Revista): 5 de outubro de 2024
Data de publicação (tbc): até dezembro de 2024

O terceiro ciclo temático de Sophia Journal "Landscapes of Care", aborda investigações, projectos, experiências e práticas fotográficas e visuais contemporâneas que se preocupam sobre o modo como a arquitectura, entendida num sentido amplo, pode ajudar a curar as relações entre o homem e habitat, bem como a crise sócio-ambiental que o planeta vive.

O conceito de Landscapes of Care tem sido cada vez mais adoptado em diversas áreas do conhecimento, desde a geografia da saúde até às artes e arquitectura, transposta aqui como a acção do estado social no sector da habitação, que gera uma relação de cuidado entre o estado e sociedade, enquadrada nos direitos económicos, sociais e culturais. Neste call interessam-nos investigações e práticas visuais que nos ajudem a compreender e documentar procedimentos (formas de atuar?) fora das narrativas dominantes, que promovam o direito à habitação, mas também o direito à cidade, convocando a cidade e o território como organismos vivos e inclusivos, reconhecendo a importância dos recursos públicos e das respostas sociais, os processos participativos e a co-responsabilização, para a promoção de uma sustentabilidade global.

Este número ao focar-se na produção de habitação de promoção pública, permite centrar as contribuições numa leitura dinâmica da cidade condicionante e condicionada pela tipologia habitacional. Associando arquitectura, habitação de cariz público, habitat e planeamento urbano convocam-se trabalhos que explorem uma narrativa interpretativa sobre a habitação e quem nela habita, projectos piloto de intervenções em comunidades-de-estudo, capazes de gerar visões estratégicas sobre o possível futuro da cidade e do território, da habitação e das vidas que (trans)forma, nesta relação ontológica entre a casa e o Homem.

A habitação de promoção pública deveria ser um exemplo de práticas inovadoras quer de projecto quer de desenvolvimento urbano e territorial, no entanto a maioria das intervenções realizadas através de políticas de habitação ou de acções específicas e isoladas sobre habitação pública, não são suficientemente conhecidas e/ou disseminadas quer pelas autoridades quer por parte dos técnicos e investigadores, não chegando a produzir conhecimento alargado e debate. O nosso objectivo é dar a conhecer estas práticas que cruzam teoria e acção, e explorar de que modo a fotografia, os levantamentos, testemunhos e os documentários podem ser utilizados como instrumentos significativos de investigação nas dimensões socioeconómica, política, histórica, técnica e ecológica da habitação social, da cidade e do território, desvelando boas práticas e modelos a estudar. Lançando um olhar crítico sobre o fazer cidade a partir do seu programa dominante - a habitação - pretendemos também estabelecer relações de continuidade e/ou ruptura, alinhamentos e/ ou desfasamentos entre habitação e pensamento urbanístico, sociopolítico e arquitectónico quer no quadro nacional como no internacional.

Nesta convocatória de artigos e ensaios visuais para este número da revista Sophia Journal Vol. 9 | Landscapes of Care. Social housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices convidamos os autores a submeterem trabalhos teóricos, registo de experiências em programas de habitação social, e ensaios visuais sobre iniciativas ou programas piloto em habitação pública, onde a fotografia, o registo gráfico, o testemunho e o documentário estão presentes de forma significativa. Projetos descritivos, analíticos e interpretativos, capazes de oferecer uma percepção única e um novo entendimento sobre a habitação, os seus moradores e a cidade, bem como a sua capacidade de responder e reflectir as condições locais e ser elemento de coesão socio-territorial. Projectos que são territórios críticos capazes de expandir a nossa compreensão sobre a arquitectura e paisagem social, em termos da sua linguagem, localização, moradores e vizinhança.

Interessam-nos também trabalhos fotográficos e cinematográficos que nos permitam reconhecer a dimensão social da arquitectura e da paisagem e compreender a arquitectura como fez Alvar Aalto, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” juntamente com o enfoque de Donna Haraway na interacção humana e não humana - novas “naturecultures” capazes de contribuir para uma maior compreensão do potencial da arquitectura e da paisagem do social para um equilíbrio e uma interacção mais ecológica e sustentável entre a arquitectura e a natureza.

Instruções para a apresentação de propostas
Para apresentar a sua proposta, envie um resumo de 500 palavras (incluindo referências e um máximo de cinco imagens) e uma breve biografia de cada autor (até 70 palavras cada) até 1 de dezembro de 2023. A submissão de resumos é feita através da nossa plataforma OJS, registando-se e submetendo em:

Os autores seleccionados serão notificados até ao dia 11 de janeiro de 2024 e deverão entregar um artigo completo (entre 3000 e 6000 palavras) ou um ensaio visual (comprimento entre 6 e 8 páginas, mais texto entre 500 e 1000 palavras) até ao dia 11 de março de 2024.

Note-se que todos os artigos teóricos serão sujeitos a revisão por pares. As outras modalidades de submissões que publicamos (ensaios visuais, entrevistas e recensões críticas) não estão sujeitas a revisão por pares.

A aceitação de um resumo em qualquer uma destas modalidades não garante a publicação.


Igea Troiani (PhD) is a Professor of Architecture and Head of Division for Architecture at London South Bank University (LSBU). She is an architect and filmmaker with almost 30 years-experience of working in a university, architecture practice and universities gained in the UK (London, Oxford and Plymouth), China (Suzhou), Germany (Münster) and Australia (Brisbane and Melbourne). Her three key areas of research are 1) the social production of architecture; 2) architecture and media (focusing on publishing and filmmaking) and 3) architectural labour, neoliberalism and sustainable ecologies. She studies architecture from transdisciplinary perspectives to determine the conditions in which architecture is, and architects are, socially, culturally and economically produced. Her books include The Politics of Making (2017/2007); Transdisciplinary Urbanism and Culture (2017); Architecture Filmmaking (2019); Visual Research Methods in Architecture (2021); and Spaces of Tolerance (2021), and Work-life Balance in Architecture (in press).

Joan MacDonald is an architect and expert in housing and urban planning, especially in vulnerable contexts. She was the first architect to head the Housing Department at the UC School of Architecture and the first woman to assume the position of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (1990-94). Throughout her career, she has fulfilled different urban and housing management leadership roles. Among them, she was a consultant for the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division of ECLAC, and between 2000 and 2014, she directed the Latin American Service, African and Asian Popular Housing (SELAVIP). From there, she promoted the execution of more than 500 housing and neighborhood improvement projects for poor urban communities in the developing world.

Jorge Tárrago Mingo. Registered Architect. PhD. University of Navarra (2005). He is a Professor of Architecture and collaborates in research and editorial initiatives. He is Director of RA, Revista de Arquitectura. He has published articles in ARQ, Future Anterior, Bauwelt, Rita, PPA, Revista 180, Arquitetura rivista, ZARCH, and he is a regular reviewer for some others. He is author, co-author or editor of several books and book chapters, the most recent being Aguinaga, Echaide, Sobrini. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (Pamplona, 2020), awarded at the XV BEAU, and the chapter 'A Certain Praise for Drawings' in Approaching Architecture. Three Fields, One Discipline (New York & Oxon, 2023). In 2015 he co-chaired the internacional conference Inter: Photography and Architecture (2016) and the four volumes with the proceedings that were awarded at the XIV BEAU. He founded alcolea+tárrago in 2005. His work has been awarded in more than 20 national and international competitions, published in many magazines and books, and has received several architecture prizes for built work.

Maria Neto is an architect, invited assistant professor at DECA-UBI, and researcher at CEAU-FAUP and ICHaB-ETSAM. PhD in Architecture (EA-UAH+ICHaB-ETSAM, 2022) with an individual research scholarship from FTC, worthy of nomination for the Prémio Extraordinário UAH, holds post-graduation in Development of Human Settlements in the Third World (ICHaB/ETSAM) and professional practice in Humanitarian Shelter Coordination (IFRC/UNCHR/Oxford Brookes University). She has collaborated with the UNHCR and the BRC supporting refugees in Kenya and the UK. She was the recipient of the Távora Award, a guest speaker representing Portugal at the 17th International Exhibition of Architecture from the Venice Biennale and selected for the anthology of the Lisbon University Triennial Award. In addition to teaching at DECA-UBI and practicing in her architectural studio with architect Jorge Marum, she has collaborated with IHRU on the program “Da Habitação ao Habitat” within the framework of the New Generation of Housing Policies.

Paz Núñez-Martí (Madrid, 1971) PhD in Architecture (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 1998); Technical Specialist in Heritage Recovery and Rehabilitation (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 2000) and Technical Specialist in Development Cooperation (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 2005). PhD in Architecture (Univ. Politecnica Madrid, 2016) and currently Phd from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Univ. Alcalá (2002-act). She coordinates the area of Habitat and Territory of the Research Group applied to development cooperation COOPUAH. She has been Technical Advisor to the Madrid City Council for the shanty town settlement of Cañada Real (2015-2019) and currently conducts applied research on spatial justice, urbanism and citizenship from various civic platforms with political impact in the city of Madrid.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



OPEN CALL | Landscapes of Care. Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices


The Campo di Marte, La Giudecca, Venice, 2018. IACP (Istituto Autonomo Case Popolari, 1983). Courtesy: Jorge Marum


Landscapes of Care. Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Editors: Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)
Open Call Video Presentation


Sophia Journal is currently accepting 1st Manuscripts for its third thematic cycle “Landscapes of Care” focused on “Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices”

1st Manuscript deadline: 31 of March 2024
2st Manuscript deadline: 1 of September 2024

Deadline for Conference Presentation: 10 of September 2024
International Conference (dtbc): 15 and 16 of September 2024

3rd Manuscript deadline (Journal): 5 of October 2024
Publication date (tbc): by December 2024

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

The concept of “Landscapes of Care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts and architecture, transposed here as the action of the social state in the housing sector, which generates a relationship of care between the state and society, framed by economic, social, and cultural rights. In this call, we are interested in investigations and visual narratives that help us understand and document practices outside the dominant narratives, which promote the right to housing but also the right to the city, calling on the city and the territory as living and inclusive organisms, recognizing the importance of public resources and social responses, participatory processes, and co- responsibility, for global sustainability.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Public housing should be an example of innovative practices, whether in design or urban and territorial development. However, most interventions carried out through housing policies or specific and isolated actions on public housing need to be sufficiently known and disseminated by authorities, technicians, and researchers to produce broad knowledge and debate. Our objective is to make known and amplify these practices that intertwine theory and action and explore how photography, surveys, testimonies, and documentaries can be used as significant research instruments in the socio-economic, political, historical, technical, and ecological dimensions of social housing, the city and the territory, revealing good practices and models to study. Launching a critical look at city-making from its dominant program - housing - we also intend to establish relationships of continuity and/or rupture, alignments, and/or gaps between housing and urban, socio-political, and architectural thought nationally and internationally.

In this call for articles and visual essays for this issue of Sophia Journal Vol. 9 | Landscapes of Care. Social housing across multiple geographies: Crossing theories and practices, we invite authors to submit theoretical work, records of experiences in social housing programs, and visual essays on initiatives or pilot programs in public housing, where photography, graphic recording, testimony, and the documentary are present in a significant way and allow adding a differentiating layer for its understanding and recording. Descriptive, analytical, and interpretative projects offer a unique perception and new knowledge about housing, its residents, and the city, and its ability to respond to and reflect local conditions and be an element of socio-territorial cohesion. Projects that are critical territories capable of expanding our understanding of architecture and social landscape in terms of their language, location, residents, and neighborhood.

We are also interested in photography and film work that allows us to acknowledge the social and political dimension of architecture and landscape and understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions,” together with Donna Haraway’s focus on human and non-human interaction - new “nature cultures” capable of contributing to a greater understanding of the potential of architecture and landscape for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interaction between architecture and nature.

Submission instructions

To submit your proposal, please send a 500-word abstract (including references and a maximum of five images) and a short bio for each author (up to 70 words each) by the 1st of December, 2023. Submission of abstracts is done through our OJS platform by registering and submitting at:   Selected authors will be notified by the 11 of January 2024 and will be expected to deliver a full paper (between 3000 to 6000 words) or a visual essay (length between 6 to 8 pages, plus text between 500 to 1000 words) by the 11 of March 2024.   Please note that all theoretical papers will be subject to peer review. The other modalities of submissions we publish (visual essays, interviews, and critical reviews) are not subjected to peer review.    

Acceptance of an abstract in any of these modalities does not guarantee publication.


Igea Troiani (PhD) is a Professor of Architecture and Head of Division for Architecture at London South Bank University (LSBU). She is an architect and filmmaker with almost 30 years-experience of working in a university, architecture practice and universities gained in the UK (London, Oxford and Plymouth), China (Suzhou), Germany (Münster) and Australia (Brisbane and Melbourne). Her three key areas of research are 1) the social production of architecture; 2) architecture and media (focusing on publishing and filmmaking) and 3) architectural labour, neoliberalism and sustainable ecologies. She studies architecture from transdisciplinary perspectives to determine the conditions in which architecture is, and architects are, socially, culturally and economically produced. Her books include The Politics of Making (2017/2007); Transdisciplinary Urbanism and Culture (2017); Architecture Filmmaking (2019); Visual Research Methods in Architecture (2021); and Spaces of Tolerance (2021), and Work-life Balance in Architecture (in press).

Joan MacDonald is an architect and expert in housing and urban planning, especially in vulnerable contexts. She was the first architect to head the Housing Department at the UC School of Architecture and the first woman to assume the position of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (1990-94). Throughout her career, she has fulfilled different urban and housing management leadership roles. Among them, she was a consultant for the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division of ECLAC, and between 2000 and 2014, she directed the Latin American Service, African and Asian Popular Housing (SELAVIP). From there, she promoted the execution of more than 500 housing and neighborhood improvement projects for poor urban communities in the developing world.

Jorge Tárrago Mingo. Registered Architect. PhD. University of Navarra (2005). He is a Professor of Architecture and collaborates in research and editorial initiatives. He is Director of RA, Revista de Arquitectura. He has published articles in ARQ, Future Anterior, Bauwelt, Rita, PPA, Revista 180, Arquitetura rivista, ZARCH, and he is a regular reviewer for some others. He is author, co-author or editor of several books and book chapters, the most recent being Aguinaga, Echaide, Sobrini. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (Pamplona, 2020), awarded at the XV BEAU, and the chapter 'A Certain Praise for Drawings' in Approaching Architecture. Three Fields, One Discipline (New York & Oxon, 2023). In 2015 he co-chaired the internacional conference Inter: Photography and Architecture (2016) and the four volumes with the proceedings that were awarded at the XIV BEAU. He founded alcolea+tárrago in 2005. His work has been awarded in more than 20 national and international competitions, published in many magazines and books, and has received several architecture prizes for built work.  

Maria Neto is an architect, invited assistant professor at DECA-UBI, and researcher at CEAU-FAUP and ICHaB-ETSAM. PhD in Architecture (EA-UAH+ICHaB-ETSAM, 2022) with an individual research scholarship from FTC, worthy of nomination for the Prémio Extraordinário UAH, holds post-graduation in Development of Human Settlements in the Third World (ICHaB/ETSAM) and professional practice in Humanitarian Shelter Coordination (IFRC/UNCHR/Oxford Brookes University). She has collaborated with the UNHCR and the BRC supporting refugees in Kenya and the UK. She was the recipient of the Távora Award, a guest speaker representing Portugal at the 17th International Exhibition of Architecture from the Venice Biennale and selected for the anthology of the Lisbon University Triennial Award. In addition to teaching at DECA-UBI and practicing in her architectural studio with architect Jorge Marum, she has collaborated with IHRU on the program “Da Habitação ao Habitat” within the framework of the New Generation of Housing Policies.

Paz Núñez-Martí (Madrid, 1971) PhD in Architecture (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 1998); Technical Specialist in Heritage Recovery and Rehabilitation (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 2000) and Technical Specialist in Development Cooperation (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 2005). PhD in Architecture (Univ. Politecnica Madrid, 2016) and currently Phd from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Univ. Alcalá (2002-act). She coordinates the area of Habitat and Territory of the Research Group applied to development cooperation COOPUAH. She has been Technical Advisor to the Madrid City Council for the shanty town settlement of Cañada Real (2015-2019) and currently conducts applied research on spatial justice, urbanism and citizenship from various civic platforms with political impact in the city of Madrid.





Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Organização: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira


Nos dias 15 e 16 de setembro, na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), realizou-se mais uma edição da nossa conferência internacional Sophia Journal, dando continuidade ao ciclo anual bem-sucedido de fóruns internacionais dedicados à exploração crítica das interseções entre a imagem e a arquitetura.

Tendo como motivo de interesse as práticas fotográficas e visuais contemporâneas que exploram como a arquitetura, no seu sentido mais amplo, pode contribuir para a cura de um planeta em crise, a 8ª Conferência Internacional do Sophia Journal: "Landscapes of Care: Photography, Film, Modern Architecture, and Landscape Heritage" centrou-se tanto na reflexão teórica como no trabalho de campo. A conferência analisou de que forma a fotografia e a produção cinematográfica podem servir como ferramentas descritivas, analíticas e interpretativas, transmitindo perspectivas originais e novas visões sobre a arquitetura moderna e o património paisagístico.

O evento compreendeu um programa que combinou sessões ao vivo e videoconferências, transmitidas online, permitindo assim a participação de uma maior audiência. O programa apresentou uma variedade de atividades ricas e diversas, incluindo:

·       Três mesas-redondas, cada uma dedicada a um tópico específico (Types, Places e Processes), onde as discussões giraram em torno da fotografia, cinema, arquitetura moderna e patrimônio paisagístico, com apresentações de artigos e ensaios visuais enviados.

·       Uma exposição de fotografia intitulada "The Idea of Álvaro Siza"

·       Uma discussão em painel/mesa-redonda com autores convidados sobre o tema "Documentary Artistic Publications About Architecture,", com a apresentação de quatro publicações, nomeadamente "Another Approach to the Works of Álvaro Siza" by Pedro Leão Neto e a coleção scopionewspaper "The Idea of Álvaro Siza" by Mark Durden and João Leal.

·       Chamada Aberta (Open Call) Sophia Journal, Vol. 9, "Landscapes of Care. Public housing across multiple geographies: Crossing theories and practices". 

A conferência emergiu como uma plataforma dinâmica capaz de abordar questões significativas centralizadas na discussão da fotografia e do cinema, permitindo-nos compreender a dimensão social da arquitetura. O evento incentivou a compreensão da arquitetura, como Alvar Aalto preconizou, como "a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions." Acreditamos que esta perspectiva contribui para um entendimento mais profundo do potencial do equilíbrio ecológico e sustentável entre arquitetura e natureza na arquitetura moderna e paisagística.

Organizado pelo Centro de Estudos em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, sediado na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (CEAU/FAUP), em colaboração com a University College Dublin (UCD), London South Bank University (LSBU), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Newport – University of South Wales (USW/eCDR), e a School of Media Arts and Design (P.PORTO/ESMAD), a 8ª Conferência Internacional Sophia Journal marcou a continuação de uma série de conferências intimamente alinhadas com a revista científica com revisão por pares Sophia Journal que publica artigos teóricos e ensaios visuais que investigam e pensam criticamente as intersecções entre a imagem e a arquitectura.

Estamos muito satisfeitos com o sucesso da 8ª Conferência Internacional do Sophia Journal, que ocorreu quer online quer presencialmente na nossa magnífica Cidade e Escola de Arquitetura do Porto, projetada por Álvaro Siza. O evento provou ser não apenas um fórum importante para fomentar a reflexão e o debate nos campos da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem, mas também uma plataforma significativa para criar um ambiente amigável que facilitou trocas construtivas de ideias e networking entre investigadores e colegas de diversos países. Além disso, os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer através uma experiência pessoal alguns dos edifício icónicos de Álvaro Siza, como as Piscinas das Marés de Leça de Palmeira e o Pavilhão Carlos Ramos da Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. A Exposição da conferência "The Idea of Álvaro Siza" foi inaugurada com uma recepção de Vinho do Porto, cortesia da Niepoort e Vieira de Castro, que contou com a presença do Vice-Reitor para a Investigação e Inovação da U. Porto, Prof. Doutor Pedro Rodrigues.

Queremos expressar a nossa gratidão a todos os participantes desta 8ª Conferência Internacional Sophia Journal, que tem sido uma parte integral da nossa comunidade acadêmica já há mais de oito anos. A conferência tem desempenhado um papel significativo para a criação de uma rede internacional focada na interseção entre Fotografia e Arquitetura. A comissão organizadora está muito satisfeita por ter conseguido realizar esta conferência com sucesso, tanto virtualmente quanto presencialmente, e esperamos que todos os participantes tenham desfrutado o melhor possível da sua estadia na nossa magnifica cidade do Porto.

+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network






Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira


On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Focusing on contemporary photographic and visual practices that explore how architecture, in its broadest sense, can contribute to healing a planet in crisis, the 8th Sophia Journal International Conference: "Landscapes of Care: Photography, Film, Modern Architecture, and Landscape Heritage" centered on both theoretical and fieldwork. The conference examined how architectural photography and filmmaking serve as descriptive, analytical, and interpretive tools, conveying original perspectives and fresh insights into modern architecture and landscape heritage.

The event comprised a program that combined live and video-conferencing sessions, which were broadcast online and allowed a large audience to participate. The program featured a rich and diverse set of activities, including:

  • Three roundtables, each dedicated to a specific topic (Types, Places, and Processes), where discussions revolved around photography, film, modern architecture, and landscape heritage, with presentations of submitted articles and visual essays.

  • A photography exhibition titled " The Idea of Álvaro Siza"

  • A panel/roundtable discussion with invited speakers on the topic of "Documentary Artistic Publications About Architecture," featuring the presentation of four scopio Editions publications, namely "Another Approach to the Works of Álvaro Siza" by Pedro Leão Neto and the "scopionewspaper" collection "The Idea of Álvaro Siza" by Mark Durden and João Leal.

  • Launching the new call of Sophia Journal, Vol. 9, "Landscapes of Care. Public housing across multiple geographies: Crossing theories and practices". 

The conference emerged as a dynamic platform for addressing thought-provoking issues central to the discussion of photography and film, enabling us to view the social dimension of architecture. It encouraged us to perceive architecture, as Alvar Aalto did, as "a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions." This perspective contributes to a deeper understanding of the potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance between architecture and nature within modern architecture and landscape.

Organized by the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, based at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (CEAU/FAUP), in collaboration with University College Dublin (UCD), London South Bank University (LSBU), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Newport – University of South Wales (USW/eCDR), and the School of Media Arts and Design (P.PORTO/ESMAD), the 8th Sophia Journal International Conference marked the continuation of a series of conferences closely aligned with Sophia's peer-reviewed publication. Sophia supports and disseminates scientific research by publishing theoretical articles and visual essays that critically explore the intersections between image and architecture.

We are delighted with the success of the 8th Sophia Journal International Conference, which took place both online and in person at our magnificent City and School of Architecture in Porto, designed by Álvaro Siza. The event proved to be not only an important forum for fostering reflection and debate within the realms of architecture, art, and imagery, but also a significant platform for creating a congenial atmosphere that facilitated constructive exchanges of ideas and networking among researchers and colleagues from various countries. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to experience in person some of Álvaro Siza's iconic buildings, such as the Tidal Pools of Leça de Palmeira and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto's Carlos Ramos Pavilion. The exhibition exhibition integrated in the conference opened with a Port Wine reception, courtesy of Niepoort and Vieira de Castro, which all attended, having had the presence of Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of U. Porto Pedro Rodrigues, marking the inauguration of the exhibition "The Idea of Álvaro Siza".

We extend our gratitude to all participants in this 8th Sophia Journal International Conference, which has been an integral part of our academic community for over eight years. It has played a significant role in establishing an international network focused on the intersection of Photography and Architecture. The organizing committee is thrilled to have successfully hosted this conference, both virtually and in person, and we hope that all attendees enjoyed their time in our beautiful city of Porto.

+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



8th SOPHIA JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Exhibition The Idea of Álvaro Siza by Mark Durden and João Leal


Exhibition The Idea of Álvaro Siza by Mark Durden and João Leal



INTEGRATED PROGRAM TO CONFERENCE: Exhibition The Idea of Álvaro Siza by Mark Durden and João Leal

The exhibition shows the photographic work developed around two of Siza´s paradigmatic buildings, which are the Carlos Ramos Pavilion and the Faculty of Architecture of Porto, resulting in the publication of the the first of the three volumes of the collection 'scopionewspaper journal The Idea of Álvaro Siza.

About The Idea of Álvaro Siza

The Idea of Álvaro Siza is a photographic project that has its origins in the work developed by Mark Durden and João Leal in response to Siza's architecture since 2017.

The project involving a selection of architectural buildings designed by Álvaro Siza has been supported from the outset by the research group Architecture, Arte and Image - CEAU | AAI – and has given rise to the editorial | graphic design project scopionewspaper journal The Idea of Álvaro Siza with the seal of scopio Editions, being also supported by the University of South Wales.

The Idea of Álvaro Siza understands architecture as both subject and artistic matter exploring a visual strategy that moves away from traditional mainstream architectural photography. It expands the comprehension of architecture, investigating photography’s ability as a unique form of expression, capable of creating a visual narrative that moves between the real and the poetic. The photography series of this project allow viewers to sense both the magical experience that Siza’s architectural spaces produce for us and how light and nature interplay within those spaces and how Siza’s spatial forms relate with the context, offering a deeper understanding of the architect’s oeuvre.

The project is now expanding to include works by other architects. In 2023, in addition to the publication “Ocean Swimming Pool”, two more will be launched focused on the work of Carlos Scarpa and Aldo Rossi, namely “Brion Memorial” and “Aldo Rossi: San Cataldo Cemetry”.

About the curatorial work of the Exhibition The Idea of Álvaro Siza in Pavilion Carlos Ramos

It was sought to explore a site-oriented approach to the exhibition The Idea of Álvaro Siza in the Pavilion Carlos Ramos taking advantage of the building´s unique architectural characteristics in terms of natural light, rich relations between interior and exterior spaces and the white boards of many walls ready to be pinned with students work.

The objective was to communicate and exhibit the work in a more alternative way, as well as related to the project concept itself, withstanding from common strategies and challenge the viewer's relationship to the work exhibited, exploring the “architectural promenade” concept and trying to break any sequential monotony and barriers between the work and the public.

15th and 16th of September 2023


The Conference will be held in person and online at FAUP - Auditorium Fernando Távora - and the Exhibition will be at Carlos Ramos Pavilion - 19h00 | Pavilhão Carlos Ramos

Opening and visit to the Exhibition 'The Idea of Álvaro Siza'
Port Wine reception | Ocean Swimming Pool Launch - scopionewspaper journal collection


Sophia Journal Volume 7, No. 1 - Landscapes of Care: the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories


SOPHIA journal 3RD CYCLE: Landscapes of Care

the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories

Issue description

Sophia’s third cycle main theme is “Landscapes of Care” with an overall interest around contemporary photography on how architecture can help a broken planet. It intends to understand how the photographic/imagery universe can be explored as a meaningful instrument of research about the multifaceted complex socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of architecture, city and territory that testify, question or emerge from relationships of care.

The concept “landscapes of care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study coming from health geography to the arts and architecture. Taking this notion to the universe of architecture we would like to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human.

The 7th number of Sophia (the first number within the third cycle) the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories focuses on diverse territories like: the desert; the icy- lands; within unstable boundaries, e.g. between land-water; inhabited by native communities; territories that dramatically alter their configuration due to heavy weather conditions and scarce resources or whose natural resources are violently explored and violated. These territories hold vital information about patterns of resistance, flexibility, transformation and metamorphosis, enlightening the problems of vulnerability and resistance in the unforeseen future while opening up new perspectives of design, including new ways of poetically inhabiting the world as a place of encounter between species (following Haraway’s motto “staying with the trouble” and Guattari’s demand: “We need new social and aesthetic practices, new practices of the Self in relation to the other, to the foreign, the stranger”), protecting the ecosystems and understanding architecture more than the distribution of spaces as the distribution of the sensible.

ISSN 2183-8976 [Print] 2183-9468 [Online]

ISBN 978-989-53640-1-5
Volume 7, Issue 1 | Publication year: 2022

© The Authors. Published by scopio Editions. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Sophia Journal | Print ISSN: 2183-8976 Online ISSN: 2183-9468 DOI: 10.24840/2183-8976 is based at the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI),  Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP) and is supported by national funds from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), I.P., through grant award no. UIDB/00145/2020.

Sophia Journal is an open access journal, allowing for immediate and free access to all content. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

© website Sophia Journal/ scopio Editions





Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira



The 8th Sophia Journal International Conference will present a live and videoconference program organised by CEAU / FAUP and the event will be broadcasted live online, encompassing a rich and diverse program around: (i) roundtables for each panel concerning a focused topic coming from Sophia´s comprehensive call; (ii) presentation of articles and visual essays submitted; (iii) Photography exhibition: The Idea of Álvaro Siza.

This International Conference integrates the thematic cycle “Landscapes of Care”, addressing contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet. The concept of “Landscapes of Care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts, architecture and heritage preservation. It is used here in order to understand and document modern architecture, building, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, as well as heritage resources for global sustainability. 

Modern architecture is a ‘heritage at risk’ as it belongs to a recent past that has not yet been sufficiently recognised by the authorities, scholars and general public. Our aim is to explore the ways in which photography and film can be used as meaningful instruments of research into the socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of modern architecture, city and territory.


Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and filmmaking are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and publics.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

15th and 16th of September 2023

The Conference will be held in person at FAUP - Auditório Fernando Távora - on the 15th of September and the Exhibition will take place at Carlos Ramos Pavilion on the 15th.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 919 6579 4170

Password: 410878

+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network






Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Organização: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira


A 8ª Conferência Internacional de Sophia Journal apresentará um programa presencial bem como por videoconferência em directo organizado pelo CEAU / FAUP, englobando um programa rico e diversificado em torno de: (i) mesas redondas para cada painel sobre um tema focado proveniente da chamada abrangente da Sophia; (ii) apresentação dos artigos e enaios visuais submetidos; (iii) Exposição de fotografia: The Idea of Álvaro Siza.

Esta Conferência Internacional integra o ciclo temático “Landscapes of Care”, abordando práticas fotográficas e visuais contemporâneas que se preocupam sobre o modo como a arquitectura, entendida num sentido amplo, pode ajudar a curar as relações entre o homem e a natureza, bem como a crise sócio-ambiental em que o planeta vive. 

O conceito de Landscapes of Care tem sido cada vez mais adoptado em diversas áreas do conhecimento, desde a geografia da saúde até às artes e arquitectura, assim como na preservação do património. Neste call interessam-nos práticas visuais que nos ajudem a compreender e documentar a arquitectura moderna e a sua construção e reabilitação, como também a percecionar a cidade e o território como organismos vivos e inclusivos e a reconhecer a importância dos recursos patrimoniais para a sustentabilidade global. 

A arquitectura moderna é um "património em risco", pois pertence a um passado recente que ainda não foi suficientemente reconhecido quer pelas autoridades quer por parte de muitos investigadores e do público em geral. O nosso objectivo é explorar de que modo a fotografia e o filme podem ser utilizados como instrumentos significativos de investigação nas dimensões socioeconómica, política, histórica, técnica e ecológica da arquitectura moderna, da cidade e do território.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage convidou a submissão de trabalhos teóricos e ensaios visuais sobre arquitetura moderna onde a fotografia e o filme estão presentes de forma significativa.  Projetos descritivos, analíticos e interpretativos, capazes de oferecer uma percepção única e um novo entendimento sobre a arquitectura do moderno, bem como esta foi muitas vezes capaz de responder e reflectir as condições locais da sua produção.  Projectos que são territórios críticos capazes de expandir a nossa compreensão sobre a arquitectura e paisagem do moderno, em termos da sua linguagem, localizações, funções, criadores, patronos e públicos.

Interessou-nos trabalhos fotográficos e cinematográficos que permitissem reconhecer a dimensão social da arquitectura e da paisagem e compreender a arquitectura como fez Alvar Aalto, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” juntamente com o enfoque de Donna Haraway na interacção humana e não humana - novas "naturecultures" capazes de contribuir para uma maior compreensão do potencial da arquitectura e da paisagem do moderno para um equilíbrio e uma interacção mais ecológica e sustentável entre a arquitectura e a natureza. 

15 e 16 de Setembro de 2023

A Conferência terá lugar na FAUP (Auditório Fernando Távora) nos dias 15 e 16 de Setembro presencialmente e online.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 919 6579 4170

Password: 410878

+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Conferência Internacional | 7th Sophia Journal Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories


Conferência Internacional | 7th Sophia Journal

Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories

28 de setembro de 2022, 4.ª feira, 15h00-19h00, Auditório Fernando Távora

29 de setembro de 2022, 5.ª feira, 9h30-20h00, videoconferência

A conferência internacional integrada no programa da 7.ª edição de Sophia Journal . 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories' dá continuidade ao ciclo de fóruns internacionais relacionados com o tema e tópicos de cada edição de Sophia Journal.

A conferência é organizada pelo grupo de investigação Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem do Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo CEAU/FAUP em conjunto com outras instituições.

Estes fóruns internacionais têm como objetivo promover uma ampla reflexão e debate sobre o universo da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem, explorando diversas temáticas transversais aos mundos da fotografia e da arquitetura, refletindo sobre o potencial da imagem, com especial incidência pela fotografia, como instrumento de ideação e investigação, bem como um meio capaz de atravessar fronteiras e deslocar limites entre diferentes áreas disciplinares.



4.ª feira, 28 de setembro

Auditório Fernando Távora

15h00 - 15h20

Subir e Sumir (2021)

Mariana Caló e Francisco Queimadela

15h20 - 16h00

Forest Mind (2021)

Ursula Biemann

16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 17h00

Sweat (2020)

Elsa Brès

17h00 - 17h45

Salarium (2017)

Sasha Litvinsteva in collaboration with Daniel Mann

17h45 - 18h45

Mesa redonda com Pedro Bandeira, Sara Castelo Branco e Jorge Leandro Rosa


5.ª feira, 29 de setembro


[ID: 890 0933 1832 | Password: 400033]

09h30 - 10h00


Diretor da FAUP - João Pedro Xavier

Pedro Leão Neto

Andreia Alves de Oliveira

Susana Ventura

10h00 - 11h00

Keynote Speaker

Armin Linke

11h00 - 11h15



Painel I

Moderação: Andreia Alves de Oliveira

11h15 - 11h45

Noemi Quagliati

Beyond the Whiteness: Environmental Concerns in the Photo-Cine Aesthetics of Carrara Marble


11h45 - 12h15

Inês Vieira Rodrigues

Reshaping the Island: architectures of extraction

12h15 - 12h40

Francesca Zanotto

Unexpected Landscapes. Wastelands as ‘buffer zones’ for the future

12h45 - 13h15

Esther Scholtes

Reframing the Far North

Landscapes of Care in Borealis and Hyperborea

13h15 - 14h30

Pausa para almoço

14h30 - 15h30

Keynote Speakers

Marco Ferrari & Elisa Pasqual


Painel II

Moderação: Susana Ventura

15h30 - 16h00

Alan McFetridge, Antoinette Johnson, Emma Mcloughin

Songs of the Dead

16h00 - 16h30

Bruna Di Palma, Mario Ferrara

Collision course: Bagnare crumbling without one?

16h30 - 17h00

Gili Merin

Six Stones and a Plinth: Astiruan Hórreos as Cultural Landscape

17h00 - 17h30


17h30 - 18h00

Rafael Manhães, Gabriel Weber

Systems of Care:

Cambodian cisterns: networking water, public space, and community

18h00 - 18h30

Andreia Alves de Oliveira

How to Care: Photography and Witnessing in the Era of Climate Change

18h30 - 19h30

Keynote Speaker

Elsa Brès


Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)
Susana Ventura (FAUP / CEAU)
Andreia Alves de Oliveira (Photographer, PhD)

Susana Ventura
Andreia Alves de Oliveira


Armin Linke
Elsa Brès
Elisa Pasqual
Marco Ferrari

Diana Senra
Sara Lino

FAUP / CEAU and Sophia Journal / scopio Editions 

Mais informações em: 

Sophia Journal

Grupo de investigação 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network


A sessão vai ser proferida em inglês, sem tradução.

Programa sujeito a alterações (sem aviso prévio)



OPEN CALL - Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage


1. Álvaro Siza’s ‘Piscina das Marés’, by Mark Durden and João Leal. Leça da Palmeira, Portugal, 2021. Courtesy of the artists


Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Abstract deadline (Conference): 1 November 2022

Editors: Hugh Campbell, Mark Durden, Teresa Ferreira, João Leal, Rikke Munck Petersen and Igea Troiani 


Abstract deadline: 1 November 2022

Selected authors will be notified by the 1st of February 2023
Manuscript deadline (Conference): 1 May 2023 International

Conference (dtbc): June 2023Manuscript deadline (Journal): 5 September 2023
Publication date (tbc): by December 2023

Sophia Journal is currently accepting submissions for its third thematic cycle “Landscapes of Care”, addressing contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet. The concept of “Landscapes of Care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts, architecture and heritage preservation. It is used here in order to understand and document modern architecture, building, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, as well as heritage resources for global sustainability. Modern architecture is a ‘heritage at risk’ as it belongs to a recent past that has not yet been sufficiently recognised by the authorities, scholars and general public. Our aim is to explore the ways in which photography and film can be used as meaningful instruments of research into the socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of modern architecture, city and territory.

In this call for papers and visual essays for this 8th issue of Sophia Journal- Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage– we invite theoretical and field work where architectural photography and filmmaking are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and publics.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” together with Donna Haraway’s focus on human and non-human interplay —  new “naturecultures” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature. 

Some issues of interest that can be taken on board when answering this call are the following:

  • How photography and film can be used for communicating the way modern architecture, landscape and city forms relate or confront present architectural programs and public spaces and their contemporary public appropriation

  • What photography and film tell us about the world we inhabit and can be used as a creative process that brings to light new ways of understanding modern architecture and landscape in contemporary urban space, as well as document their cultural significance and heritage values

  • How photography and film can be used for communicating the way past modern architecture, landscape and city forms relate to or confront present architectural programs, planning and public spaces and their contemporary public appropriation

  • How photography and film may set forward the idea of an architecture, changing our on-site perception and even turning it into a projected vision in space

  • The uses of photography and film in identifying, recording and 'unlocking' sites of transformation – i.e. buildings, landscapes, and places, which are undergoing, or will undergo, a process of renewal

  • Diachronic studies of modern architecture, landscape and planning programs and environments focused on patterns of activities and phenomena aiming at sequentially researching social change, and physical and cultural expressions that may occur during different time lapses

  • Photographic and filmic series that focus on the perceptive, sensorial and affective experience of modern architecture and landscape in the urban and rural context. 

Accepted submissions engage with the issues above in the form of theoretical papers, visual essays, interviews, and critical reviews of publications, exhibitions, and conferences.

The Editorial Team will have the responsibility of doing the first selection of entries (deadline 1st November 2022) and inform the authors (1st December) that to proceed with the call they are expected to deliver the first draft / presentation of their paper (between 3000 to 6000 words) or visual essay (length between 6 to 8 pages, plus text between 500 to 1000 words), by the 1st February 2023

The entries are then to be sent for review, being theoretical entries peer reviewed and visual essays reviewed by the Editorial Team. Authors are informed of the result of reviews by 1st April. Theoretical papers and visual essays have to be edited in accordance to the reviewers’ comments until the 1st June in order to be presented at the International Conference to be held on that month in connection with the 8th issue of Sophia Journal. 

In this way, Sophia Journal brings together each year a diverse group of researchers, architects, visual artists, and curators of international relevance, gathered on its International Conference, in an exercise of joint reflexivity about the intersection between photography and architecture from different perspectives and visual constructs. These international conferences embody an important stage during the process of the annual call and publication of each number of Sophia Journal. This means they enable an active dialogue between researchers, authors and the public, contributing to the identification of new avenues of research and artistic expression related to how photography can be explored as a meaningful instrument of communication, design and inquiry in the world of architecture and today ́s processes of urban change.

The conference will encompass a live and videoconference programme being organised in partnership with the institutions involved.

After the conference authors will be asked to edit their papers or visual essays based simultaneously on the issues raised with the debates that have taken place and the reviewers comments. A new final version for publication will have to be sent for reviewers until the 1st September, 2023 and they can approve the version with no more modification needed or still suggests further small modifications. Final deadline for publication is 1st November and if the paper or visual essay is not uploaded by that deadline, it is not included in Sophia Journal.

Submission instructions

To submit your proposal please send a 500-word abstract (including references and a maximum of five images) and a short bio for each author (up to 70 words each) by the 1st November 2022. Submission of abstracts is done through our OJS platform, by registering and submitting at:

Selected authors will be notified by the 1st December 2022 that they are expected to deliver the first draft / presentation of their paper (between 3000 to 6000 words) or visual essay (length between 6 to 8 pages, plus text between 500 to 1000 words), by the 1st February 2023

The entries are then to be sent for review, being theoretical entries peer reviewed and visual essays reviewed by the Editorial Team. Authors are informed of the result of reviews by 1st April. Theoretical papers and visual essays have to be edited in accordance to the reviewers’ comments until the 1st June in order to be presented at the International Conference to be held on that month in connection with the 8th issue of Sophia Journal. 

We apprise you to strictly follow the guidelines that come into view on Sophia Journal platform under "Submission/Refereeing / For Authors". 

Authors should visit their profile in Sophia Journal platform to check out the comments andsuggestions from the reviewers to be considered. To check the comments, sign in into the platform with your user and password. Your abstract will show the status “revisions required” until the final version of the paper or visual essay is submitted.

After the conference authors will be asked to edit their papers or visual essays based simultaneously on the issues raised with the debates that have taken place and the reviewers comments. A new final version for publication will have to be sent for reviewers until the 1st September, 2023 and they can approve the version with no more modification needed or still suggests further small modifications. Final deadline for publication is 1st November and if the paper or visual essay is not uploaded by that deadline, it is not included in Sophia Journal.

Please note that all theoretical papers will be subject to peer review. The other modalities of submissions we publish (visual essays, interviews and critical reviews) are not subjected to peer review. Acceptance of an abstract in any of these modalities does not guarantee publication.

For guidelines on the submission process and our editorial policies, please visit our website at:

For any queries:

Please contact our Editors at

About Sophia Journal

We are an academic, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) / research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal. Created in 2016, Sophia Journal publishes theoretical articles and visual essays that investigate and think critically the intersections between the image and architecture. We understand both terms in a wide sense: the image of photography, painting, drawing, cinema, video, T.V., new media; and architecture as landscape, territory, city, spatiality, built environment.


OPEN CALL - Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage


1. Álvaro Siza’s ‘Piscina das Marés’, by Mark Durden and João Leal. Leça da Palmeira, Portugal, 2021. Courtesy of the artists


Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

Prazo limite (Conferência): 1 de Novembro de 2022 

Editores: Hugh Campbell, Mark Durden, Teresa Ferreira, João Leal, Rikke Munck Petersen e Igea Troiani


Prazo limite: 1 de Novembro de 2022

Os autores seleccionados serão notificados até 1 de Fevereiro de 2023
Prazo de entrega dos manuscritos (Conferência): 1 de Maio de 2023 
Conferência Internacional (dtbc): Junho 2023

Prazo de entrega dos manuscritos (Revista): 5 de Setembro de 2023 
Data de publicação (tbc): até Dezembro de 2023

Sophia Journal está actualmente a aceitar submissões para o seu terceiro ciclo temático Landscapes of Care, abordando práticas fotográficas e visuais contemporâneas que se preocupam sobre o modo como a arquitectura, entendida num sentido amplo, pode ajudar a curar as relações entre o homem e a natureza, bem como a crise sócio-ambiental em que o planeta vive. 

O conceito de Landscapes of Care tem sido cada vez mais adoptado em diversas áreas do conhecimento, desde a geografia da saúde até às artes e arquitectura, assim como na preservação do património. Neste call interessam-nos práticas visuais que nos ajudem a compreender e documentar a arquitectura moderna e a sua construção e reabilitação, como também a percecionar a cidade e o território como organismos vivos e inclusivos e a reconhecer a importância dos recursos patrimoniais para a sustentabilidade global. 

A arquitectura moderna é um "património em risco", pois pertence a um passado recente que ainda não foi suficientemente reconhecido quer pelas autoridades quer por parte de muitos investigadores e do público em geral. O nosso objectivo é explorar de que modo a fotografia e o filme podem ser utilizados como instrumentos significativos de investigação nas dimensões socioeconómica, política, histórica, técnica e ecológica da arquitectura moderna, da cidade e do território.

Nesta convocatória de artigos e ensaios visuais para este  número da revista Sophia Journal Vol. 8 | Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage - convidamos os autores a submeterem trabalhos teóricos e ensaios visuais sobre arquitetura moderna onde a fotografia e o filme estão presentes de forma significativa.  Projetos descritivos, analíticos e interpretativos, capazes de oferecer uma percepção única e um novo entendimento sobre a arquitectura do moderno, bem como esta foi muitas vezes capaz de responder e reflectir as condições locais da sua produção.  Projectos que são territórios críticos capazes de expandir a nossa compreensão sobre a arquitectura e paisagem do moderno, em termos da sua linguagem, localizações, funções, criadores, patronos e públicos.

Interessam-nos trabalhos fotográficos e cinematográficos que nos permitam reconhecer a dimensão social da arquitectura e da paisagem e compreender a arquitectura como fez Alvar Aalto, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” juntamente com o enfoque de Donna Haraway na interacção humana e não humana - novas "naturecultures" capazes de contribuir para uma maior compreensão do potencial da arquitectura e da paisagem do moderno para um equilíbrio e uma interacção mais ecológica e sustentável entre a arquitectura e a natureza. 

Algumas questões de interesse que podem ser tidas em conta ao responder a esta chamada:

  • De que modo a fotografia e o cinema podem ser utilizados para comunicar o tipo de relacionamento existente entre as formas da paisagem e arquitetura moderna e os programas de arquitetura contemporânea e sua apropriação pública

  • De que modo a fotografia e o cinema conseguem oferecer uma perspetiva crítica e poética sobre o mundo atual que habitamos e trazer uma nova compreensão acerca da da paisagem e arquitetura moderna no espaço urbano contemporâneo, bem como documentar o seu significado cultural e os seus valores patrimoniais

  • De que modo a fotografia e o cinema podem ser utilizados para comunicar a forma como a paisagem e arquitetura moderna se relacionam ou confrontam com os programas de projeto urbano, arquitetura e os espaços públicos e a sua apropriação na contemporaneidade

  • De que modo a fotografia e o filme podem comunicar ideias nucleares sobre uma determinada arquitectura, alterando dessa forma a nossa percepção sobre esses espaços arquitetónicos

  • De que modo a fotografia e o filme podem ser utilizados para a identificação e o registo da transformação de um local, ou mesmo 'desbloquear' essa possibilidade - ou seja, de edifícios, paisagens e lugares poderem ser objetos de um processo de reabilitação

  • De que modo a fotografia e o filme podem ser utilizados em estudos diacrónicos sobre a paisagem e arquitectura moderna, ou seja, estudos sequenciais centrados nos padrões de actividades e dos fenómenos que caracterizam esses espaços, bem como nas alterações sociais, culturais e formais que aí ocorrem ao longo de diferentes lapsos de tempo

  • Séries fotográficas e fílmicas que se centram na experiência perceptiva, sensorial e afectiva da paisagem e arquitectura moderna na contemporaneidade.

Sobre a Sophia Journal

A Sophia Journal é uma revista académica de acesso aberto com arbitragem científica, publicada pelo Centro de Estudos em Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) - Grupo de investigação Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), em colaboração com a associação Cityscopio e a sua chancela  editorial scopio Editions.
Criada em 2016, a Sophia Journal publica artigos teóricos e ensaios visuais que investigam e pensam criticamente as intersecções entre a imagem e a arquitectura. Entendemos ambos os termos em sentido lato: a imagem da fotografia, pintura, desenho, cinema, video, televisão, novos media; a arquitectura enquanto paisagem, território, cidade, espacialidade e ambiente construído.


VIEWFINDER is coming out soon



ISBN: 978-989-33-0102-9

The scopio Magazine International Photography Contest is focused on the strengthening of photography as an inquisitive instrument and on the search for new talents, while at the same time raising awareness towards photography and architecture. On the past decade, this contest has achieved a significant success. Not only all the winners and honourable mentions have been published by scopio Editions, but they’ve also been divulged in many conferences, round-tables and exhibitions in Portugal and abroad. Taking into account this and encouraging the development of several bodies of work, it was decided to adopt a new structure, meaning that the contest will be available in digital format online with its own website and in printed format with its autonomous publication, called VIEWFINDER.

VIEWFINDER partially publishes all the entries of the scopio International Photography Contest, announcing the winner and the honorable mentions of the scopio International Photography Contest and of the scopio International Photobook Contest, being the latter published in detail and the winners published in full.
VIEWFINDER has a revitalised Editorial board, which means that the coordination of this publication is shared between the research group CCRE/CEAU/FAUP and ESMAD/UniMAD/P.PORTO. This autonomous publication, even though connected to scopio Magazine, integrates universities and departments related to photography connected to the worlds of Architecture, Art and Image at a national and international level. The publication has five editors: Iñaki Bergera - School of Architecture in Zaragoza -, Marco Iuliano - School of Architecture in Liverpool -, which are already both research members of CEAU-FAUP -, Mark Durden – USW -, Olívia da Silva - ESMAD / UniMAD / P.PORTO – and Pedro Leão Neto – CCRE/CEAU/FAUP.

VIEWFINDER reveals new talents and awareness towards photography and architecture, city and territory universes both in Portugal and abroad, recognizing that past published photography projects have significantly captured the interest of both the specialised and the general public while also building new collaborations with the purpose of creating increased synergies.

VIEWFINDER is published with its own ISBN and in a date of the year that may be different from other scopio magazine publications of the same cycle. Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries: Territory is the main theme of the current cycle of scopio Magazine, and we are interested in original projects where photography is explored as a significant research instrument for building critical and innovative views on architecture as an extended field of knowledge that operates within larger systems, with cultural, artistic, technical and historical dimensions. The main focus of this issue is on public space transformation and aims to question how different dimensions of the public sphere may be meaningfully understood or reframed through different lenses and perspectives. At the heart of this debate is the contemporary discussion that the image of the city is in itself modified with the very process of change according to specific sensorial and cognitive conditions, originating the possibility of establishing new spatial connections in an expanded territory of cosmopolitan interaction.

VIEWFINDER is published by scopio Editions and will be out soon.
The date for the public presentation and award ceremony will also be announced soon.


Sophia Journal Publications at Universidad de Zaragoza


Sophia Journal Publications at Universidade de Zaragoza

The three publications of Sophia Journal Crossing Borders, Shifting Boundaries “The Aura of the Image“, “Photography and Architecture”, “Image, Body and Territory“ are currently available at Universidade de Zaragoza.

For more info check:*spi