Presentation of scopio EDITIONS | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices
a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto
Sophia Journal Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Editors: Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)
The scopio Editions project and Sophia Journal presentation will take place on April 12 - 16:00 to 17:00, 2024, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | Universidad de Navarra.
Asier Santas, the director of the architecture department at the University of Navarra, will open the session. The scopio Editorial Project and Sophia Journal presentation will be the responsibility of Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief of the publication), who will open the floor for any questions concerning the editorial project and Sophia Journal.
Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project
At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.
The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.
This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Sophia Journal
Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.
Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices
Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.
This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.
Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI' CEAU.FAUP
scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.
scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.