Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP) - Conference | SizaAtlas. Filling the gaps for World Heritage


Conference | SizaAtlas. Filling the gaps for World Heritage

Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time
Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)

12th September 2024, Thursday, 9h00-18h00, Auditório Fernando Távora + videoconference

A apresentação do artigo Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time por Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP) teve lugar no dia 12 de setembro - 15h10, 2024, na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. 

Ver notícia em:


  • Opening

    9h00 | João Pedro Xavier (FAUP Dean)
    9h05 | Soraya Genin (Project Leader, ISCTE)

  • Session I - The project SizaAtlas

    09h10 | SizaAtlas project framework and methodology. The collaborative platform for inventorying and documenting Álvaro Siza's architectural works
    Soraya Genin (ISCTE, coord. T1-T2)

    09h30 | Methodology for the documentation and analysis of Álvaro Siza's Works in the World Heritage Tentative List
    Teresa Cunha Ferreira (FAUP, Co-Project Leader, coord. T3)

    09h50 | Recommendations for the World Heritage List Nomination 
    Mariana Correia (UPT, coord. T4)

  • Session II - World Heritage and Social Housing (Moderation - Teresa Cunha Ferreira)

    10h10 | The Tentative List for World Heritage: Ensemble of Álvaro Siza's Architecture Works in Portugal
    Ana Paula Amendoeira (ICOMOS-Portugal) - Keynote Speaker

    10h30 | Álvaro Siza's Malagueira and its heritage recognition
    Pedro Guilherme, Sofia Salema (UÉvora)

    10h40 | The Álvaro Siza's Malagueira and Le Corbusier's Frugès neighborhood. A comparison in the scope of the World Heritage List
    Soraya Genin, Alan Krassavtsev (ISCTE)

    10h50 | A reflection towards 20th Century Social Housing as World Heritage
    Uriel Perles Garcia, Telma Ribeiro, Mariana Correia (UPT)

    11h00 | Questions

    11h20 | Coffee-break (30")

  • Session III - World Heritage Serial Nominations (Moderation - Mariana Correia)

    11h50 | Álvaro Siza’s Architecture: A Modern Contextualism Legacy: Comparative Analysis of World Heritage Serial Nominations
    Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Pedro Murilo Freitas, Tiago Cruz, Mariana Correia, Soraya Genin (FAUP, UPT, ISCTE)

    12h00 | Bairro da Bouça
    Carlos Machado (FAUP)

    12h10 | Álvaro Siza and the Contemporary Heritage Values of University Architecture
    Rui Florentino, Bruno Andrade (UPT)

    12h20 | Questions

    12h40 | Lunch (1:30")

  • Session IV - Design principles in Álvaro Siza's architectural works (Moderation - Soraya Genin)

    14h30 | Creating roots: from Alvar Aalto to Álvaro Siza
    Eduardo Fernandes - Keynote Speaker (UMinho)

    14h50 | Iberian Parallels: Siza's ‘Place’ and Portela´s ‘Time’ in the Revisionist Processes
    Gilberto Duarte Carlos, Paulo Guerreiro, Alejandro Lopez (UPT)

    15h00 | Key Strategies in the Siza’s Plan for the reconstruction of Chiado
    Lorenzo Stefano Iannizzotto (ISCTE)

    15h10 | Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time
    Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)

    15h20 | Continuity and Transformation: Álvaro Siza in Leça da Palmeira
    Pedro Pinto (ISCTE)

    15h30 | Questions

    15h50 | Coffee-break (30")

  • Session V - Inventory, Documentation and Conservation (Clara Vale)

    16h10 | Documentation, construction and digital tools - Biblioteca de Viana
    Tiago Cruz, Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Joaquim Teixeira, Rui Póvoas (FAUP)

    16h20 | The Technological Challenges of SizaAtlas: CIDOC-CRM and Arches as Standardization Tools for Heritage Data Management
    Luisa Domingues, Guido Cimadomo, Tomás Mesquita, Soraya Genin (ISCTE, UMalaga)

    16h30 | Álvaro Siza's works at risk facing the impact of climate change on coastal and river banks
    Yosra Maatallah, Soraya Genin (ISCTE)

    16h40 | Architectural Conservation at the Water’s Edge: Protecting 20th Century Heritage
    Telma Ribeiro, Susana Milão, Isabel Clara Neves, Ana Lima, Luis Paulo Pacheco (UPT)

    16h50 | Questions

  • Closing session

    17h10 | Soraya Genin (ISCTE), Teresa Cunha Ferreira (FAUP), Mariana Correia (UPT)


Presentation of scopio editorial Editions | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference: Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices


Presentation of scopio EDITIONS | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices

a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

Sophia Journal Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)


The scopio Editions project and Sophia Journal presentation will take place on April 12 - 16:00 to 17:00, 2024, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | Universidad de Navarra. 

Asier Santas, the director of the architecture department at the University of Navarra, will open the session. The scopio Editorial Project and Sophia Journal presentation will be the responsibility of Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief of the publication), who will open the floor for any questions concerning the editorial project and Sophia Journal.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.





17.04.24 - 17.05.24

Opening 17 aprile con Andrea Campioli | Massimo Bricocoli | Pedro Neto

Lecture ore 16:00, Aula IV

Visita alla Mostra ore 18:00
Comitato organizzatore
Guva Bertelli, Marco Bovati, Marco Bozzola, Stefano Di Vita, Pierfranco Galliani, Henrique Pessoa, Michele Roda.


On 17th April, at 4:00 PM, Politecnico Milano – Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzion – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbano – Spazio Tunnel –hosted the Lecture and Exhibition Camilo Rebelo Parallel Universes, which embraced Camilo Rebelo´s lecture about his work, a short presentation by Pedro Leão Neto about his book “OLIM”, and the Exhibition opening and launch of its catalogue in the collection “Red Series | A Project on Display”, edited by Guya Bertelli.

The event commenced with the official opening of the session by Professor Guya Bertelli, who introduced Arq. Camilo Rebelo to an audience of students, professionals, and scholars. Then, professors Andrea Campioli and Massimo Bricocoli discussed the interest and importance of the long-time collaboration with Polimi.

Next, Camilo Rebelo presented his lecture, beginning by communicating his engagement in teaching at POLIMI for 11 years and then explaining several of his architectural projects from the set in the Camilo Rebelo Parallel Universes Exhibition, and published in a special catalogue. 

Finally, the Editor of Camilo Rebelo´s book “OLIM”, Pedro Leão Neto, conducted a short presentation about Rebelo´s book, elaborating on the author´s ideation process and nonlinear narrative, where memory, identity and places are linked to one another in a rhizomatic way.


Apresentação do projeto scopio EDITIONS | Revista Sophia


Apresentação do projeto scopio EDITIONS | Revista CIENTÍFICA Sophia e da sua próxima conferência | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices

um catalisador para O DEBATE e construção de ideias EM VOLTA DO UNIVERSO DA ARQUITETURA, por Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto

Revista Científica Sophia Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)


A apresentação do projeto scopio Editions e da Revista Científica Sophia terá lugar no dia 12 de abril - 16:00 às 17:00, 2024, na Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitetura | Universidad de Navarra. 
Asier Santas, diretor do departamento de arquitetura da Universidade de Navarra, abrirá a sessão. A apresentação do Projeto Editorial scopio e da Revista Científica Sophia estará a cargo de Pedro Leão Neto (Diretor de Sophia Journal), após a apresentação a sessão será aberta ao público para quaisquer questões relativas ao projeto editorial e à Revista Científica Sophia.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


Presentation of scopio editorial project | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference: Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices


Presentation of scopio EDITIONS project | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices

a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

Sophia Journal Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)


The scopio Editions project and Sophia Journal presentation will take place on April 12 - 16:00 to 17:00, 2024, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | Universidad de Navarra. 

Asier Santas, the director of the architecture department at the University of Navarra, will open the session. The scopio Editorial Project and Sophia Journal presentation will be the responsibility of Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief of the publication), who will open the floor for any questions concerning the editorial project and Sophia Journal.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


scopio Editions no Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Photo Festival: Explorar a Arquitetura através da Fotografia


scopio Editions no Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA Photo Festival: Explorar a Arquitetura através da Fotografia

BY Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

No dia 10 de novembro de 2023, Pedro Leão Neto, docente, investigador na FAUP e coordenador do grupo de investigação Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) integrado no Centro de Estudo de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU) foi o responsável pela comunicação no RIBA do projeto editorial da scopio que dirige desde a sua fundação.

Ideias e discursos em volta da Arquitetura: Projeto Editorial scopio

A apresentação scopio Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas integrou o programa rico e diversificado de autores e especialistas de renome internacional que participaram neste evento do RIBA.

O Dia de Estudo sobre fotografia de arquitetura teve o seu início na parte da manhã com um painel de discussão em volta dos Arquivos e Coleções Fotográficas, sendo seguido por apresentações individuais que abordaram temas como o do significado e relação da Fotografia com a Arquitetura e qual o futuro deste media na era digital.

A Apresentação do Projeto Editorial scopio

Durante a sessão da tarde, Pedro Leão Neto teve o privilégio de apresentar o projeto editorial da scopio a uma audiência composta por especialistas e estudiosos de renome internacional. Foi assim explicado o "porquê" e o "como" o projeto editorial scopio que tem como principal interesse a Fotografia Contemporânea relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território, tem tido um papel fundamental para estimular debates e fomentar ideias no campo disciplinar da arquitetura através da fotografia.

A apresentação destacou também o impacto significativo que este projeto editorial tem alcançado, manifestando-se através de uma notável série de publicações, tanto em formato de revista quanto de livro. Adicionalmente, foi revelada a criação de duas revistas académicas em suporte físico e online através da plataforma U.Porto OJS - Sophia Journal e scopio Magazine AAI - que interligam os mundos da fotografia, arquitetura e arte.

Programação de proeminentes oradores

O Dia de Estudo do RIBA Photo Festival foi enriquecido por um grupo distinto de oradores, cada um contribuindo com sua perspectiva única:

  • Angelo Maggi, an associate professor of the history of photography and architectural history at Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy.

  • Richard Pare, a renowned photographer and the founding curator of the photography collection at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

  • Gary Van Zante, curator of architecture, design, and photography collections at the MIT Museum.

  • Irena Murray HonFRIBA, an esteemed architectural historian and curator, chaired the event.

  • Ágnes Anna Sebestyén, an art historian and curator at the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monument Protection Documentation Centre, brought her insights to the table.

  • Neal Shasore, the Head of School and Chief Executive at the London School of Architecture, shared his expertise.

  • Marco Iuliano, an Italian architect teaching at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), provided valuable perspectives.

O rico programa do RIBA Photo Festival incluiu o ciclo de Palestras The Colin Rowe Lecture series, que teve como oradora convidada a fotógrafa suíço-francesa Hélène Binet, bem como o lançamento da exposição Wide-Angle View de fotografia, com uma visita curatorial de Valeria Carrulo, curadora de Fotografia do RIBA e editora do catálogo da exposição.

O ciclo de palestras Colin Rowe tem como objetivo discutir o papel da imagem na arquitetura, particularmente o papel crucial da fotografia de arquitetura. Hélène Binet apresentou um discurso brilhante, resumindo alguns dos momentos mais significativos de seu trabalho ao longo de mais de 35 anos, capturando tanto a arquitetura contemporânea quanto a histórica.

A exposição de fotografia Wide-Angle View olha para o Manplan e apresenta fotografias de reconhecidos profissionais como Ian Berry, Patrick Ward e Tony Ray-Jones na Galeria de Arquitetura do RIBA no centro de Londres, que é gratuita e aberta a todos.

O Dia de Estudo do RIBA Photo Festival constituiu um vibrante intercâmbio de ideias e inspiração, lançando luz sobre a interseção entre os mundos da Arquitetura e da Fotografia, e a scopio Editions provou ser um interessante e crítico mote editorial que contribuiu para enriquecer esse debate.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP




scopio Editions é uma editora independente fortemente ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Arquitetura e Estudos Urbanos (CEAU) em termos de investigação e desenvolvimento. O universo de interesse da scopio é genericamente o da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI), com um especial enfoque sobre a Fotografia Documental Artística relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.

A scopio Editions tem uma estrutura dinâmica que integra publicações periódicas e não periódicas, com o objetivo de divulgar várias obras e autores que utilizam ou investigam o universo da AAI com uma abordagem crítica, exploratória e inovadora, focando-se na Fotografia relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.


scopio Editions at RIBA Photo Festival: Exploring Architectural Photography


scopio Editions at RIBA Photo Festival: Exploring Architectural Photography

by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

On November 10th, 2023, the RIBA Photo Festival study was enriched by the presentation of the scopio editorial project. Presented by Pedro Leão Neto, a lecturer and researcher at FAUP (Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto), and the coordinator of scopio Editions and the Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI) research group within the Centre for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), this event was a captivating journey into the world of architectural photography.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

Titled "scopio Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas," the presentation smoothly integrated RIBA’s diverse program featuring an international array of speakers, including esteemed specialists and emerging scholars.

The study day began with an engaging panel discussion about the archives and collections of architectural photography. This was followed by individual presentations, fostering lively debates on topics such as the significance of photography in architecture and the future of this medium in our digital age.

Pedro Leão Neto's Insightful Presentation

During this enlightening session, Pedro Leão Neto had the privilege of introducing the scopio editorial project to an audience comprised of specialists and scholars in the field. At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. Neto delved into the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

Moreover, the presentation highlighted the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats. Additionally, the creation of two online academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal and scopio Magazine AAI—was unveiled, bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

An Inspiring Lineup of Speakers

The RIBA Photo Festival study day was enriched by a distinguished set of speakers, each contributing their unique perspective:

  • Angelo Maggi, an associate professor of the history of photography and architectural history at Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy.

  • Richard Pare, a renowned photographer and the founding curator of the photography collection at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

  • Gary Van Zante, curator of architecture, design, and photography collections at the MIT Museum.

  • Irena Murray HonFRIBA, an esteemed architectural historian and curator, chaired the event.

  • Ágnes Anna Sebestyén, an art historian and curator at the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monument Protection Documentation Centre, brought her insights to the table.

  • Neal Shasore, the Head of School and Chief Executive at the London School of Architecture, shared his expertise.

  • Marco Iuliano, an Italian architect teaching at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), provided valuable perspectives.

  • The event was skillfully moderated by Iñaki Bergera, a photographer, architect, and Full Professor at the University of Zaragoza.

The rich programme of RIBA Photo Festival included The Colin Rowe Lecture series, which had as invited speaker the Swiss-French photographer Hélèn Binet, as well as the Wide-Angle View photography exhibition, with RIBA´s curator tour and Editor of the exhibition´s catalog Valeria Carrulo.

The Colin Rowe Lecture series aims to discuss the role of the image in architecture, particularly the crucial role of architectural photography and Hélène Binet presented as with a brilliant speech, summarizing some of the most significant moments of her work over a period of more than 35 years that has captured both contemporary and historic architecture.

The Wide-Angle View photography exhibition looks at Manplan and presents photography from renowned professionals such as Ian Berry, Patrick Ward and Tony Ray-Jones at RIBAS’s Architecture Gallery in central London which is free and open to all. 

The RIBA Photo Festival study day was a vibrant exchange of ideas and inspiration, shedding light on the important intersection of architecture and photography, and scopio Editions proved to be an interesting and critical editorial motto that contributed for the enrichment of this discourse.

Research group 'Architecture, Art and Image — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


Apresentação do projeto scopio Editions no RIBA Photo Festival: um catalisador para a discussão e construção de ideias em volta do universo da arquitetura, por Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto


Apresentação do projeto scopio Editions no RIBA Photo Festival

um catalisador para a discussão e construção de ideias em volta do universo da arquitetura, por Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

Pedro Leão Neto, docente e investigador na FAUP, coordenador do grupo de investigação Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) integrado no Centro de Estudo de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU) foi convidado a participar no RIBA Photo Festival (8-11 de novembro de 2023) com uma apresentação sobre o projeto editorial scopio Editions que dirige desde a sua fundação em 2010.

A apresentação "SCOPIO Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas" tem como objetivo dar a conhecer a nível internacional este projeto editorial muito ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU). O intuito é explicar como este projeto editorial, centrado na fotografia documental artística relacionada com a arquitetura, tem sido um importante catalisador para a discussão e construção de ideias em volta do universo da arquitetura, bem como deu origem a uma série notável de publicações em formato de revista e livro, bem como duas revistas académicas online em plataforma OJS que intersectam a fotografia com arquitetura e arte, nomeadamente Sophia Journal e scopio Magazine.

A contribuição de Pedro Leão Neto fará parte do Dia de Estudo sobre fotografia de arquitetura agendado para o dia 10 de novembro no Royal Institute of British Architects em Londres.

Para se inscrever nesta apresentação, envie um e-mail para

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP




scopio Editions é uma editora independente fortemente ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Arquitetura e Estudos Urbanos (CEAU) em termos de investigação e desenvolvimento. O universo de interesse da scopio é genericamente o da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI), com um especial enfoque sobre a Fotografia Documental Artística relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.

A scopio Editions tem uma estrutura dinâmica que integra publicações periódicas e não periódicas, com o objetivo de divulgar várias obras e autores que utilizam ou investigam o universo da AAI com uma abordagem crítica, exploratória e inovadora, focando-se na Fotografia relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.


Presentation of scopio Editorial project in RIBA Photo Festival: a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto


Presentation of scopio Editorial project in RIBA Photo Festival

a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

Pedro Leão Neto, a lecturer and researcher at FAUP, and the coordinator of the Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) research group within the Centre for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), has been invited to participate in the RIBA Photo Festival, scheduled for 8-11 November 2023. He will be presenting the scopio Editions editorial project, which he has been leading since its inception in 2010.

The presentation, titled "SCOPIO Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas," aims to garner international recognition for this editorial project closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU). The goal is to elucidate how this editorial project, centered on artistic documentary photography related to architecture, has played a pivotal role in fostering discussions and the development of ideas within the realm of architecture. Additionally, it has resulted in a noteworthy series of publications in both magazine and book formats, as well as the creation of two online academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform that bridge photography with architecture and art, namely Sophia Journal and scopio Magazine.
Please email to register for this presentation

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.