Aula aberta 3º Ciclo | UBI - Ideias e discursos em volta da Arquitetura: Projeto Editorial scopio


Aula aberta 3º Ciclo | UBI - Ideias e discursos em volta da Arquitetura: Projeto Editorial scopio

AULA ABERTA | PEDRO LEÃO NETO 17 de Novembro de 2023, 10h - 13h – Seminário da unidade curricular de Projecto e Edificação I 3º Ciclo - UBI

No dia 17 de Novembro de 2023, 6ª Feira (10h -13h) Pedro Leão Neto (AAI / CEAU / FAUP) participou no Seminário da unidade curricular de Projecto e Edificação I 3º Ciclo - UBI através da Aula Aberta subordinada ao título "Ideias e discursos em volta da Arquitetura: Projeto Editorial scopio".

O objectivo da Aula Aberta foi o de dar a conhecer o projeto editorial scopio a uma audiência composta por estudantes de doutoramento em arquitetura na UBI, explicando o "porquê" e o "como" o projeto editorial scopio, cujo principal interesse é o da Fotografia Contemporânea relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território, tem tido um papel fundamental para estimular debates e fomentar ideias no campo disciplinar da arquitetura através da fotografia.

A apresentação destacou também o impacto significativo que este projeto editorial tem alcançado, manifestando-se através de uma notável série de publicações, tanto em formato de revista quanto de livro. Adicionalmente, foi revelada a criação de duas revistas académicas em suporte físico e online através da plataforma U.Porto OJS - Sophia Journal e scopio Magazine AAI - que interligam os mundos da fotografia, arquitetura e arte.


scopio Editions é uma editora independente fortemente ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Arquitetura e Estudos Urbanos (CEAU) em termos de investigação e desenvolvimento. O universo de interesse da scopio é genericamente o da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI), com um especial enfoque sobre a Fotografia Documental Artística relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.

A scopio Editions tem uma estrutura dinâmica que integra publicações periódicas e não periódicas, com o objetivo de divulgar várias obras e autores que utilizam ou investigam o universo da AAI com uma abordagem crítica, exploratória e inovadora, focando-se na Fotografia relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.


RITA - Indexed journal has opened the call for papers 01/11/ 2023 - 11/01/2024


RITA - Indexed journal has opened the call for papers
01 / 11 / 2023 - 11 / 01 / 2024

In the following note all the information you need to apply for your articles:

Deadline 11 of January 2024


The open call allows texts in Spanish or Portuguese to be sent by teachers, graduate students, or professionals with a master's or doctor's degree. Submitting a text implies entering the pre-selection process for publication in the journal rita_.

The submission of texts for potential publication in rita_ does not imply any cost for the author.


A refereeing system is established for the articles selected for publication by external reviewers following the usual protocols for scientific publications. Only the authors of the texts shortlisted for publication will receive blind peer review.

Find out the complete information about the publication rules HERE.

For more information go to >


scopio Editions no Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Photo Festival: Explorar a Arquitetura através da Fotografia


scopio Editions no Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA Photo Festival: Explorar a Arquitetura através da Fotografia

BY Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

No dia 10 de novembro de 2023, Pedro Leão Neto, docente, investigador na FAUP e coordenador do grupo de investigação Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) integrado no Centro de Estudo de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU) foi o responsável pela comunicação no RIBA do projeto editorial da scopio que dirige desde a sua fundação.

Ideias e discursos em volta da Arquitetura: Projeto Editorial scopio

A apresentação scopio Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas integrou o programa rico e diversificado de autores e especialistas de renome internacional que participaram neste evento do RIBA.

O Dia de Estudo sobre fotografia de arquitetura teve o seu início na parte da manhã com um painel de discussão em volta dos Arquivos e Coleções Fotográficas, sendo seguido por apresentações individuais que abordaram temas como o do significado e relação da Fotografia com a Arquitetura e qual o futuro deste media na era digital.

A Apresentação do Projeto Editorial scopio

Durante a sessão da tarde, Pedro Leão Neto teve o privilégio de apresentar o projeto editorial da scopio a uma audiência composta por especialistas e estudiosos de renome internacional. Foi assim explicado o "porquê" e o "como" o projeto editorial scopio que tem como principal interesse a Fotografia Contemporânea relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território, tem tido um papel fundamental para estimular debates e fomentar ideias no campo disciplinar da arquitetura através da fotografia.

A apresentação destacou também o impacto significativo que este projeto editorial tem alcançado, manifestando-se através de uma notável série de publicações, tanto em formato de revista quanto de livro. Adicionalmente, foi revelada a criação de duas revistas académicas em suporte físico e online através da plataforma U.Porto OJS - Sophia Journal e scopio Magazine AAI - que interligam os mundos da fotografia, arquitetura e arte.

Programação de proeminentes oradores

O Dia de Estudo do RIBA Photo Festival foi enriquecido por um grupo distinto de oradores, cada um contribuindo com sua perspectiva única:

  • Angelo Maggi, an associate professor of the history of photography and architectural history at Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy.

  • Richard Pare, a renowned photographer and the founding curator of the photography collection at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

  • Gary Van Zante, curator of architecture, design, and photography collections at the MIT Museum.

  • Irena Murray HonFRIBA, an esteemed architectural historian and curator, chaired the event.

  • Ágnes Anna Sebestyén, an art historian and curator at the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monument Protection Documentation Centre, brought her insights to the table.

  • Neal Shasore, the Head of School and Chief Executive at the London School of Architecture, shared his expertise.

  • Marco Iuliano, an Italian architect teaching at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), provided valuable perspectives.

O rico programa do RIBA Photo Festival incluiu o ciclo de Palestras The Colin Rowe Lecture series, que teve como oradora convidada a fotógrafa suíço-francesa Hélène Binet, bem como o lançamento da exposição Wide-Angle View de fotografia, com uma visita curatorial de Valeria Carrulo, curadora de Fotografia do RIBA e editora do catálogo da exposição.

O ciclo de palestras Colin Rowe tem como objetivo discutir o papel da imagem na arquitetura, particularmente o papel crucial da fotografia de arquitetura. Hélène Binet apresentou um discurso brilhante, resumindo alguns dos momentos mais significativos de seu trabalho ao longo de mais de 35 anos, capturando tanto a arquitetura contemporânea quanto a histórica.

A exposição de fotografia Wide-Angle View olha para o Manplan e apresenta fotografias de reconhecidos profissionais como Ian Berry, Patrick Ward e Tony Ray-Jones na Galeria de Arquitetura do RIBA no centro de Londres, que é gratuita e aberta a todos.

O Dia de Estudo do RIBA Photo Festival constituiu um vibrante intercâmbio de ideias e inspiração, lançando luz sobre a interseção entre os mundos da Arquitetura e da Fotografia, e a scopio Editions provou ser um interessante e crítico mote editorial que contribuiu para enriquecer esse debate.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP




scopio Editions é uma editora independente fortemente ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Arquitetura e Estudos Urbanos (CEAU) em termos de investigação e desenvolvimento. O universo de interesse da scopio é genericamente o da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI), com um especial enfoque sobre a Fotografia Documental Artística relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.

A scopio Editions tem uma estrutura dinâmica que integra publicações periódicas e não periódicas, com o objetivo de divulgar várias obras e autores que utilizam ou investigam o universo da AAI com uma abordagem crítica, exploratória e inovadora, focando-se na Fotografia relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.


scopio Editions at RIBA Photo Festival: Exploring Architectural Photography


scopio Editions at RIBA Photo Festival: Exploring Architectural Photography

by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

On November 10th, 2023, the RIBA Photo Festival study was enriched by the presentation of the scopio editorial project. Presented by Pedro Leão Neto, a lecturer and researcher at FAUP (Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto), and the coordinator of scopio Editions and the Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI) research group within the Centre for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), this event was a captivating journey into the world of architectural photography.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

Titled "scopio Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas," the presentation smoothly integrated RIBA’s diverse program featuring an international array of speakers, including esteemed specialists and emerging scholars.

The study day began with an engaging panel discussion about the archives and collections of architectural photography. This was followed by individual presentations, fostering lively debates on topics such as the significance of photography in architecture and the future of this medium in our digital age.

Pedro Leão Neto's Insightful Presentation

During this enlightening session, Pedro Leão Neto had the privilege of introducing the scopio editorial project to an audience comprised of specialists and scholars in the field. At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. Neto delved into the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

Moreover, the presentation highlighted the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats. Additionally, the creation of two online academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal and scopio Magazine AAI—was unveiled, bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

An Inspiring Lineup of Speakers

The RIBA Photo Festival study day was enriched by a distinguished set of speakers, each contributing their unique perspective:

  • Angelo Maggi, an associate professor of the history of photography and architectural history at Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy.

  • Richard Pare, a renowned photographer and the founding curator of the photography collection at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

  • Gary Van Zante, curator of architecture, design, and photography collections at the MIT Museum.

  • Irena Murray HonFRIBA, an esteemed architectural historian and curator, chaired the event.

  • Ágnes Anna Sebestyén, an art historian and curator at the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monument Protection Documentation Centre, brought her insights to the table.

  • Neal Shasore, the Head of School and Chief Executive at the London School of Architecture, shared his expertise.

  • Marco Iuliano, an Italian architect teaching at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), provided valuable perspectives.

  • The event was skillfully moderated by Iñaki Bergera, a photographer, architect, and Full Professor at the University of Zaragoza.

The rich programme of RIBA Photo Festival included The Colin Rowe Lecture series, which had as invited speaker the Swiss-French photographer Hélèn Binet, as well as the Wide-Angle View photography exhibition, with RIBA´s curator tour and Editor of the exhibition´s catalog Valeria Carrulo.

The Colin Rowe Lecture series aims to discuss the role of the image in architecture, particularly the crucial role of architectural photography and Hélène Binet presented as with a brilliant speech, summarizing some of the most significant moments of her work over a period of more than 35 years that has captured both contemporary and historic architecture.

The Wide-Angle View photography exhibition looks at Manplan and presents photography from renowned professionals such as Ian Berry, Patrick Ward and Tony Ray-Jones at RIBAS’s Architecture Gallery in central London which is free and open to all. 

The RIBA Photo Festival study day was a vibrant exchange of ideas and inspiration, shedding light on the important intersection of architecture and photography, and scopio Editions proved to be an interesting and critical editorial motto that contributed for the enrichment of this discourse.

Research group 'Architecture, Art and Image — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.






The "CONTRAST: MULTIDISCIPLINARY ARTISTIC NETWORK OF ART, ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND PHOTOGRAPHY" (CONTRAST) project, led by the Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI-CEAU-FAUP) research group, coordinated by Pedro Leão Neto, in partnership with the Cultural Association Cityscopio, ESMAD-uniMAD, and FBAUP-i2ads and ID+, has been selected for funding by DGARTES in the Support for Projects Program.

CONTRAST's work, along with its team and partners - ARCO, DARQ, DCAM, EA.UCP, ESAP, ESMAD, FAUP, FBAUL, FBAUP, FEUP, and IPT - has been recognized both in terms of Creation and Education and in the network of initiatives involving Dissemination, Debate, and Editorial activities related to Photography and its interaction with Art, Architecture, and Design. This is considered an important achievement, and the project expresses gratitude to all its partners for their support and active participation, which greatly contributed to being selected by DGARTES once again.

It's also important to note that these projects hold significance in the curriculum of the institutions and the participating educators. All the institutions and educators are integrated as members of the project team funded by competitive grants, officially documented on the CEAU-FAUP website.

Over the next two years, the project will strengthen its research component and expand partnerships, especially within the European context, with other institutions and artistic networks related to their area of interest. To internationalize the CONTRAST project, a partnership will be established with the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), an international nonprofit society dedicated to the development, connection, and international dissemination of artistic research as a specific knowledge production practice. The goal is to initiate a pilot project in which the photographic projects of partner institutions can be created and hosted on the Research Catalogue platform, an international infrastructure for artistic research that allows multimedia publication.

In addition to the new partnership with the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), collaboration continues with three schools outside of Portugal, namely the Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), the Zaragoza Unidad Predepartamental de Arquitectura at the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR), and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC) in Barcelona.


Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP / CEAU / SCOPIO)


Pedro Tropa (AR.CO)

Orlando Franco (DCAM)
Rodrigo Peixoto (DCAM)
Sofia Silva (DCAM)

José Maças de Carvalho (DARQ)

Carlos Lobo (EA.UCP)

Eduarda Neves (ESAP)
Maria Covadonga Barreiro (ESAP)
Nuno Ramalho (ESAP)
Rui Lourosa (ESAP)

João Leal (ESMAD / Unimad)
Luís Ribeiro (ESMAD / Unimad)
Olívia da Silva ( ESMAD / Unimad)

Maria Neto (CEAU / FAUP / UBI)
Mário Mesquita (FAUP / FBAUP / i2ADS)

Rogério taveira (FBAUL)
Victor dos Reis (FBAUL)

José Carneiro (FBAUP / i2ADS)
Susana Lourenço Marques (FBAUP / i2ADS)

Jorge Manuel Gomes Barbosa (FEUP)

Alexandre Magalhães (IPT)

João patrício (IPT)
Valter Ventura (IPT)

O livro Contrast
Vídeo da plataforma Contrast
Sobre o projeto contrast - legendado
Entrevista CONTRAST: Pedro Leão Neto




CONTRAST: Rede de iniciativas artísticas multidisciplinares na Arte, Arquitectura, Design e Fotografia" FINANCIADO PELA DGARTES | 2023


O projecto "CONTRAST: Rede de iniciativas artísticas multidisciplinares na Arte, Arquitectura, Design e Fotografia" (CONTRAST) liderado pelo grupo de investigação Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI-CEAU-FAUP), coordenado por Pedro Leão Neto, com gestão em parceria com a Associação Cultural Cityscopio, a ESMAD-uniMAD e a FBAUP-i2ads e ID+ foi seleccionado para financiamento pela DGARTES no concurso de apoio Programa de Apoio a Projetos – Programação.

CONTRAST vê assim reconhecido o trabalho desenvolvido por toda a equipa e parceiros - ARCO, DARQ, DCAM, EA.UCP, ESAP, ESMAD, FAUP, FBAUL, FBAUP, FEUP e IPT - quer em termos de Criação e Ensino, quer na rede de iniciativas de Disseminação, Debate e Editorial em volta da Fotografia e sua interação com a Arte, Arquitectura e Design. Acreditamos que isto é uma vitória importante e queremos agradecer a todos os parceiros  o apoio que nos deram e a participação ativa que muito contribuiu para novamente sermos selecionados pela DGartes.

Importa também referir a importância que estes projectos têm no currículo das instituições e dos docentes envolvidos, estando todas as instituições e docentes integrados como membros da equipa de projecto financiado por fundos competitivos, informação disponível oficialmente no site do CEAU-FAUP

Iremos agora, nos próximos dois anos, reforçar a componente de investigação do projeto, bem como alargar as nossas parcerias, nomeadamente no contexto Europeu com outras instituições e redes artísticas próximas do nosso universo de interesse. Com este objetivo de internacionalização do projeto CONTRAST irá ser criada uma parceria com a Society for Artistic research (SAR) sociedade internacional sem fins lucrativos, artística e científica, dedicada ao desenvolvimento, ligação e divulgação internacional da investigação artística como uma prática específica de produção de conhecimento. O objetivo é iniciar um projeto piloto em que os projetos de fotografias das instituições parceiras possam ser criados e alojados na plataforma Research Catalogue, uma infraestrutura internacional de investigação artística que permite a publicação multimédia.

Para além da nova parceria criada com a Society for Artistic research (SAR), continua a nossa colaboração com três escolas fora de Portugal, nomeadamente com a Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA), Zaragosa Unidad Predepartamental de Arquitectura da Universidade de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) e Barcelona Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC).


Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP / CEAU / SCOPIO)


Pedro Tropa (AR.CO)

Orlando Franco (DCAM)
Rodrigo Peixoto (DCAM)
Sofia Silva (DCAM)

José Maças de Carvalho (DARQ)

Carlos Lobo (EA.UCP)

Eduarda Neves (ESAP)
Maria Covadonga Barreiro (ESAP)
Nuno Ramalho (ESAP)
Rui Lourosa (ESAP)

João Leal (ESMAD / Unimad)
Luís Ribeiro (ESMAD / Unimad)
Olívia da Silva ( ESMAD / Unimad)

Maria Neto (CEAU / FAUP / UBI)
Mário Mesquita (FAUP / FBAUP / i2ADS)

Rogério taveira (FBAUL)
Victor dos Reis (FBAUL)

José Carneiro (FBAUP / i2ADS)
Susana Lourenço Marques (FBAUP / i2ADS)

Jorge Manuel Gomes Barbosa (FEUP)

Alexandre Magalhães (IPT)

João patrício (IPT)
Valter Ventura (IPT)

O livro Contrast
Vídeo da plataforma Contrast
Sobre o projeto contrast - legendado
Entrevista CONTRAST: Pedro Leão Neto


Apresentação do projeto scopio Editions no RIBA Photo Festival: um catalisador para a discussão e construção de ideias em volta do universo da arquitetura, por Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto


Apresentação do projeto scopio Editions no RIBA Photo Festival

um catalisador para a discussão e construção de ideias em volta do universo da arquitetura, por Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

Pedro Leão Neto, docente e investigador na FAUP, coordenador do grupo de investigação Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) integrado no Centro de Estudo de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU) foi convidado a participar no RIBA Photo Festival (8-11 de novembro de 2023) com uma apresentação sobre o projeto editorial scopio Editions que dirige desde a sua fundação em 2010.

A apresentação "SCOPIO Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas" tem como objetivo dar a conhecer a nível internacional este projeto editorial muito ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU). O intuito é explicar como este projeto editorial, centrado na fotografia documental artística relacionada com a arquitetura, tem sido um importante catalisador para a discussão e construção de ideias em volta do universo da arquitetura, bem como deu origem a uma série notável de publicações em formato de revista e livro, bem como duas revistas académicas online em plataforma OJS que intersectam a fotografia com arquitetura e arte, nomeadamente Sophia Journal e scopio Magazine.

A contribuição de Pedro Leão Neto fará parte do Dia de Estudo sobre fotografia de arquitetura agendado para o dia 10 de novembro no Royal Institute of British Architects em Londres.

Para se inscrever nesta apresentação, envie um e-mail para

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP




scopio Editions é uma editora independente fortemente ligada à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) e ao seu Centro de Arquitetura e Estudos Urbanos (CEAU) em termos de investigação e desenvolvimento. O universo de interesse da scopio é genericamente o da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (AAI), com um especial enfoque sobre a Fotografia Documental Artística relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.

A scopio Editions tem uma estrutura dinâmica que integra publicações periódicas e não periódicas, com o objetivo de divulgar várias obras e autores que utilizam ou investigam o universo da AAI com uma abordagem crítica, exploratória e inovadora, focando-se na Fotografia relacionada com Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.


Presentation of scopio Editorial project in RIBA Photo Festival: a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto


Presentation of scopio Editorial project in RIBA Photo Festival

a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

RIBA Photo Festival study day: collecting architectural photography

Pedro Leão Neto, a lecturer and researcher at FAUP, and the coordinator of the Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) research group within the Centre for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), has been invited to participate in the RIBA Photo Festival, scheduled for 8-11 November 2023. He will be presenting the scopio Editions editorial project, which he has been leading since its inception in 2010.

The presentation, titled "SCOPIO Editorial Project: A Catalyst for Architectural Discourse and Ideas," aims to garner international recognition for this editorial project closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU). The goal is to elucidate how this editorial project, centered on artistic documentary photography related to architecture, has played a pivotal role in fostering discussions and the development of ideas within the realm of architecture. Additionally, it has resulted in a noteworthy series of publications in both magazine and book formats, as well as the creation of two online academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform that bridge photography with architecture and art, namely Sophia Journal and scopio Magazine.
Please email to register for this presentation

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


Panel and Round-table Moderator #04 | Documentary artistic publications about architecture - Olívia Marques da Silva


Panel and RouNd-table Moderator
#04 |
Documentary artistic publications about architecture - Olívia Marques da Silva

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #04| Chair: Olívia Marques da Silva

10h20 - 10h50 | Invited speaker - Nuno Grande
Presentation of the book 'Another Approach on the Works of Álvaro Siza'

10h50 - 11h20 | Moderator - Olívia Marques da Silva
Presentation of the scopionewspaper collection 'The Idea of Álvaro Siza'

11h20 - 11h30 | Interval

11h30 - 13h30 | Chair / moderator - Olívia Marques da Silva
Opening the discussion focused on documentary artistic publications about architecture
Invited speakers
- Paulo Catrica
- Rita Castro Neves

16h45 - 17h15 | Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Panel and Round-tables Moderators #03 | Processes | João Leal - Rikke Munck


Panel and RouNd-table Moderators

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #03| Chair: João Leal, Rikke Munck Petersen
14h45 - 15h00 | Presentation 9: Ciro Miguel
Ektachrome Color: White buildings, Red Dust

15h15 - 15h30 | Presentation 10: Corné Strootman
Filmmaking as a tool for landscape architecture: Analysing and mediating the spatial impact of agricultural techniques

15h30 - 16h00 | Interval

16h15 - 16h30 | Presentation 11: Millicent Gunner  [Visual Essays]
Walking the Table : Caring-with landscape

16h30 - 16h45 | Presentation 12: Tonia Carless [Visual Essays]
Unsettling in Norrlands

16h45 - 17h15 | Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Panel and Round-table Moderators #02 | Places | Igea Troiani - Mark Durden


Panel and RouNd-table Moderators
#02 | PLACES |
Igea Troiani - Mark Durden

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #02 | Chair: Igea Troiani, Mark Durden
12h15 - 12h30 | Presentation 5: Richard Williams
São Paulo's Minhocão on Film

12h30 - 12h45 | Presentation 6: Sotiria Alexiadou / Vassilis Colonas
Unclaiming the natural waterfront landscape: Thessaloniki's manmade east waterfront

12h45 - 13h00 Presentation 7: Lars Rolfsted Mortensen  [Visual Essays]
The Infrastructural Sublime Marvel, apprehension, and environmental awareness in the encounter of dams

13h00- 14h00 | Lunch Break

14h00 - 14h15 | Presentation 8: Joao Gadelho Novais Tavares
Foz Velha. The creation of an image of permanencies and transformations

14h15 - 14h45 Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network



Panel and Roudtables Moderators #1 | Types | Hugh Campbell - Teresa Ferreira


Panel and RouNd-table Moderators
#01 | Types | Hugh Campbell - Teresa Ferreira

8th Sophia Journal International Conference
Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage

PANEL #01 | Chair: Hugh Campbell, Teresa Ferreira

10h00 - 10h15 | Presentation 1 | Birgit Schilke Hammer/Leonie Bunte
Changing the Image: Photographic Investigations on the Anonymous Modern, West Germany 1970-1989

10h15 - 10h30 | Presentation 2: Giulio Galasso / Natalia Voroshilova (Visual Essays)
Oases in the grid: The gardens of postwar Milanese middle-class housing

10h30 - 11h00 | Interval

11h00 - 11h15 | Presentation 3: Jasna Galjer
Ways of seeing architecture and landscape in the voids of presence. The case of a health resort on the Adriatic coast of Croatia

11h15 - 11h30 | Presentation 4: Julia Maria Bezerra de Mello
Other Interpretations on Tower H

11h30 - 12h00 | Roundtable discussion


Organized by: Hugh Campbell, Igea Troiani, João Leal, Mark Durden, Olívia Marques da Silva, Pedro Leão Neto, Rikke Munck Petersen, Teresa Ferreira

On September 15th and 16th, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), another edition of our Sophia Journal International conference took place, continuing the successful annual cycle of international forums dedicated to the critical exploration of the intersections between image and architecture.

Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage invited theoretical and field work where architectural photography and film-making are descriptive, analytical and interpretive, communicating original perceptions and new understandings of modern architecture and landscapes. Photography and film projects that will allow us to show how modern buildings and landscapes have responded to and reflect the local conditions of their production and importance.  Projects which critique and expand our understanding of what constitutes modern architecture and landscape, in terms of its language, locations, functions, creators, patrons and public.

Photography and film work that can allow us to see the social dimension of architecture and landscape, to understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions” to contribute to a greater understanding of modern architecture’s and landscape’s potential for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interplay between architecture and nature.

The Conference, on the 15th of September, will be presenting the selection of the best theoretical papers and visual essays submitted to our Call. Being organised in 3 panels, it will constitute a live forum for debating photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage, among other stimulating issues central to discuss what we have proposed in our Call.

Program and Book of abstracts


+ info

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network